Category Archives: Mentoring
Mackay’s Life Lessons Help People Worldwide Sell Their Ideas! — Craig’s Harvey Mackay Interview
In this far-reaching interview, sales guru Harvey Mackay holds court on sales, leadership, networking, volunteerism. goal setting, attitude, the power of coaches, the importance of Toastmasters and preparing to win.
Finding Confidence
“Men die of fright and live of confidence.”
I heard there was a place called Confidence and I so wanted to find it. Others had been there and it showed. Yet I hadn’t found Confidence yet for myself.
I set out only knowing its general direction. Mine was to be an uphill journey. I drove and drove with nary a clue. At first the road was long and flat with many cars going this way and that. Then it began to rise as I entered the foothills. The altitude reached 1000 feet. The road began to twist and turn. Soon the sign said I’d reached 2000 feet. The air was getting thinner. There were far fewer cars. I became short of breath. I passed the 3,000 foot sign. My pace slowed. Yet I pressed on.
I wanted to find Confidence.
I needed to find Confidence.
The Wooden Way: Interview with Coach John Wooden on Leadership and More
Legendary Basketball Coach John Wooden On Leadership and Life’s Lessons
Interviewed By Craig Harrison, DTM, PDG