Enjoy the following free handouts from Craig Harrison, developed for Toastmasters, its Regions and Districts, over the years. They were originally created for Toastmasters Leadership Institutes, District Conferences and Training, Club Officer Trainings and other functions.
Craig has presented programs at three International Conventions.
1999, Chicago, IL: Your Sixteen Second Success — The Elevator Speech
(e-mail Craig for handout)2002, San Antonio, TX: Story Tell, Story Sell — Sales Through Storytelling
(PDF handout)2004, Reno, NV: From Free to Fee: On Becoming a Professional Speaker
(PDF Handout)
The Toastmaster Whisperer Checklist PDF (January 2017)
November 11, 2017 District 4’s Fall Conference “Level Up!” in Foster City, CA:
Level Up Your Presence, Spontaneity and Confidence with IMPROV!
(Breakout on improv skills)
January 15, 2011 in San Jose, CA: Become An Improv-Master PDF (Breakout on improv skills)
Download Craig’s TLI handout on Leveraging Improv Skills in Toastmasters and Life:
Become An Improv Master (PDF).
Download Craig’s TLI handout Improvocation: More Improv Skills for Toastmasters and Life:
Improvocate (PDF).
D-57 Spring Conference, 2009 breakout session #1: Turning the Tables on Table Topics (PDF)
Download Craig’s Gameplan for Aspiring and Achieving in Life with Toastmasters as your Co-Pilot (PDF), from the District 57 Fall Conference, Nov. 2011.
Download Craig’s breakout session handout with bonus worksheets from D-57’s 2010 Spring Conference May 8, 2010 in Vallejo CA: Achieving Your Toastmasters & Life’s “Bucket List”
Download Craig’s breakout session handout PDF from District 4’s TLI session February 3, 2018 in Foster City: Pay Attention to Retention: Helping clubs keep members motivated and matriculating
Optimize Your Meeting Space the Feng Shui Way! (D-57 TLI, June 2, 2012)
Pay Attention to Retention! — PDF handout for all EVPs, VP-Memberships and top officers (District57 TLI, Dec. 1, 2012)
Download Craig’s companion handout from his Keynote Good, Better…BEST! Become the Consummate Toastmaster program for Toastmasters Regional Conference.
S-T-R-E-T-C-H: Helping VTMs (Veteran Toastmasters) See TI Curricula Through A New Lens, D-57 TLI, June 2, 2012
January 15, 2011 in San Jose, CA
From Free to Fee: A Step-by-Step Approach to Professional Speaking PDF (Breakout)
D-57 Spring Conference Plenary Session: Now What? 4-page handout about leveraging Toastmasters skills in the outside world to make a difference. May 10, 2008.
District 57 TLI, Dec. 2012, It’s Time to Ideate: Brainstorming for Members, Clubs, Speech Topics and Meeting Themes handout (PDF) 12-1-12 in Pleasant Hill CA
D-57 Spring Conference, 2009 breakout session #2:The Empowering Leader (PDF)
March, 2016 workshop on The Toastmaster Whisperer (Public-Private Evaluations) for Speakers Forum evaluation club in Pleasanton CA: Handout with Checklist (PDF)
TLI Training for Educational Vice Presidents (PDF), December 4, 2010 in Orinda CA.
D-57 VP-Public Relations training for club officers, August 2009 (Zipped files)
D-57 Fall Conference, 2008 breakout session: Cultivating the Leader In You! (PDF)
D-57 Spring Conference handout promoting Toastmasters’ Two-Track System: Communication & Leadership from 2003.
D-4 Fall Conference leadership breakfast handout from 2003.
D-21 Fall Conference handout from Keynote on Building Habits of Success, Vancouver, Canada.
TLI January 15, 2011 in San Jose, CA
District 4 TLI Keynote “Become A Beacon of Excellence: Lead from where you sit, stand or speak
D-57 Fall Conference, 2008 breakout session: Homegrown Humor — Prospecting Your Past to Uncover Your Own Stories. (PDF)
Download Craig’s handout from his You’ve Got Stories session on Storytelling from D-57’s 2010 Spring Conference May 8, 2010 in Vallejo CA: You’ve Got Stories!
Share Craig’s “Quick Start Guide to finding and joining the right club for you” with your club’s guests and prospects. Download the PDF at www.ExpressionsOfExcellence.com/Toastmasters/QuickStartGuide_Toastmasters.pdf
Download Craig’s 110 speech topics list for Speechcrafters (PDF)
those are great topic ideas, Craig. I am trying to improve our Speechcraft Program in our District. Would you mind sharing what worked/didn’t work for you. We are relabeling it “Toastmasters Boot Camp” to see how that resonates.
Please modify as desired. I’d simply appreciate my name and URL, http://www.SpeakAndLeadWithConfidence.com, remaining attached to it, and a phone and e-mail if there’s room: 510/547-0664 ; Craig@ExpressionsOfExcellence.com.
Speechcrafts whose cost includes 6 months of membership in a club thereafter ensure that graduates remain involved. Try to seamlessly usher them from S/C to your club.
If possible, hold your Speechcraft during your meeting, or at least in the same location as your club meetings (and if possible, at the same time), so students are already accustomed to coming to the same location and can just keep coming.
Use a variety of club members to present, mentor and assist. It’s good for speechcrafters to see more presenters, and good for club members too.
Encourage your district to create/resurrect the Speechcraft Chair position, whether under the LGET or LGM. Invite that chair to deliver a district-wide training on Speechcraft early in the TI year, at Toaastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI), a stand-alone session or at a district conference.